Old & Eclectic Songs & Tunes - with stories & humor to accompany them.

   The Bard Rocks specializes in the songs of the acclaimed songwriter Trad. Anon*. If you don’t know who wrote it, he might know it. His vast repertoire is sort of a General Eclectica, mostly very old and/or traditional - or at least they sound that way. Check out the "Repertoire" page to see just how wide-ranging this is. Many songs feature choruses: he loves the audience to join him.  And he makes sure there is reason to smile and laugh. Now The Bard Rocks (or is it The Barred Rocks?), has taken his act public after 40 years of playing in closets, under rugs, whenever he thought no one was around. He no longer does protest songs (meaning, when he sang, people protested).

*Trad Anon = Traditional Anonymous

The Bard Rocks, surrounded by Barred Rocks.

     The Bard is also a bit of an ethnomusicologist, so you may expect to learn something as well as be entertained. His goal is to communicate a love of these authentic old songs, and in doing so, he may tell snippets of their origin, the first singers, how it relates to other songs, and also learn about the old and unusual instruments which he uses at times. He delights in creating themed shows. Some done in the past include "Origins of Country Music", "The Real American Blues", "Songs About Our Environment",  "Pirates", "Farming". Give him an idea then watch him run with it.

    With The Bard Rocks as a stage name, he likens himself to the bards of old, traveling poets & singers, as well implies raucousness & hi energy,  It's no secret, his real name is Roland Vinyard, and he accompanies himself on 6 and 12 string guitar, mandolin, metal-bodied slide guitar,  resonator guitar, tenor banjo, banjeaurine, autoharp, open back and fretless banjos, kazoo, banjo-mandolin, & jew’s harp.





So, what is all this chicken business?

No, The Bard Rocks does not have a thing for chickens, though he has kept them at times. He does have a thing for fun, however. See the hen to the right? What breed is it? Don’t know? (oh, you city people)  Barred Rocks, sort of a Plymouth Rock style of chicken, good layers, and also meaty. I can't pass up a double pun. (Does that mean The Bard Rocks is a both good lay... and meaty... oh oh,  let's not go there; it's not even punny.)  Just for fun, you may hear a chicken song or joke.

Still Confused?

Let's figure it out. Barred Rock (above), looks just like a chicken. Bard Rocks (right), is more like a musician. See the difference?